May 7, 2006

Manager from HELL

You're not the only one who understands you're working with the manager from hell.
I discovered that everyone recognized the same not-so-wonderful incompetence in that manager that I did. More importantly, I was able to observe their interactions to determine what worked well and what did not. It doesn't mean I gossiped about the situation or the manager with my co-workers. Instead, I listened and learned from their encounters. *)

The behavior of the manager from hell is not a reflection of your professionalism.
In the case of the tantrum-throwing manager, she was the one who appeared foolish and incompetent – not me. Your challenge is to perform despite their lack of professionalism. You have a true opening to practice your skill as a communicator, facilitator, problem-solver and leader. Yours in an excellent opportunity to showcase your composure, competence and capability.*)


kadang di dalam suasana bekerja, kita dihadapkan oleh hal-hal yang menjengkelkan dan membuat tidak nyaman, walau sebenarnya kondisi ini adalah sebuah training, sebuah course untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dan mental saat bekerja, sangat bermanfaat sekali.

tapi jika hal-hal yang menjengkelkan tersebut menjadi sebuah hal yang selalu terjadi, menjadi sebuah rutinitas, oh my god, am i a man in the right place? sampai kapankah cobaan ini berakhir? sampai kapankah training ketahanan mental ini akan berlangsung? selalu diimpikan tes akhir dari seluruh cobaan ini, dan kita nggak peduli hasilnay mau failed atau sukses.

Whether your manager is unreasonably demanding or they are apparently incompetent or they have no people skills, it can feel like you’re working with the manager from hell! As tough as it sounds, your task is to focus on getting your job done…period.

hhhhh... sabarrrr... sabarrrrr....

*) taken from:

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